Once you have your Batch graduation NFT, worked your way through SpeedRunEthereum, solved a couple of ETH Tech Tree challenges and explored our CaptureTheFlag (CTF), you can apply for our Builders grand with ≈0.15 ETH to build a small dApp.

Think of it like a mini hackathon! ⛵️ Build something that you learn from, can possibly teach others. It doesn't necessarily have to be a product or a big thing!

What to Build:

🙋‍♀️ Questions for application:

Here are some guiding questions to help structure your application:

🧾 What to Do:

Submit Your Idea, once you have graduated from the batch, worked your way through SpeedRunEthereum, solved a couple of ETH Tech Tree challenges and explored our CaptureTheFlag (CTF), go the our BuidlGuidl Grant page and apply.

✍️ Iterate on your idea! Use the batch Telegram group to get ideas and thoughts on your project to make it more impactful.

🕵️‍♀️ After submission, we’ll look into the ideas and help you refine the project to build if needed. It might take some back & forth on the proposal! We'll sent you 50% on grant approval, and 50% at the end when the build is submitted.

👉 The grants applications can take some time to process, so get it submitted as soon as you've got your idea fully finalized!

Project Submission Requirements: